Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Hi Neighbors,

In JP there is a gardening gap! Waiting lists for community gardens are YEARS long! 

Obviously, some people in JP want to grow flowers and veggies but don't have space at home, and don't have a community garden plot either. 

But-- a quick walk around JP reveals that others have sunny patches of lawn (or concrete!) that lie totally empty and need to be maintained, while the owners just don't have time to do it. 

I'm proposing that we open up a discussion space or group to help people who want to garden in JP match up with people who want to share their sunny yard or lawn (or even paved areas, if folks want to get creative with container gardening)

It's a Win-Win! 
The gardener gets a spot to grow some vegetables, and the yard-owner gets:
1.  A beautified yard
2.  A sense of community
3.  The satisfaction of knowing you are sharing your space for the purpose of community food security and the environment. 
4. Depending on agreement with the gardener, potentially also: 
a. help with other yard work beyond delineated shared garden space
b. a share food and flowers grown
c. gardening lessons from gardener

If anyone has land to share, wants to find a place to garden, or has ideas as to how best to do this, please post. 

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Hello gardeners and aspiring gardeners (and aspiring gardens?)

Finally following up on this thread.  The waitlist at the Lamartine/Hubbard Streets Community garden is longer than ever this year (30 people on the list; 17 plots total; 0 turning over this season so far) but we now have a Stewardship/Volunteer Coordinator to put all the aspiring gardeners to work at caring for our garden's common areas.  If you're interested in getting involved in this way, please contact Isabelle at  If you're a diehard optimist and would like to get on our waitlist, let me know. 

Happy gardening to all!

An amendment to my earlier post:  the best way to let us know you're interested in volunteering in the garden is to hop on our waitlist, which also serves as the volunteer contact list. One of us will let you know when there are garden workdays or other tasks needing help.   You can sign up at:

Hi all, 

If any of you are eager to get some hands-on experience in pond-building this weekend, please come by to check out this exciting workshop this weekend:

Please come and join us for a fun weekend long community building workshop at JP Cohousing in Jamaica Plain.   We will be  building a small pond and waterfall in our courtyard.  If you've ever wanted hands on experience building a beautiful landscape enhancing water feature then this is the workshop for you.   We will have two outstanding professionals in their field (Rich Gargiulo and  Charley MacMartin) demonstrate how easy it is to install an attractive pond using locally sourced materials.  Together they will guide you through the process step by step in a workshop that will inspire you and give you the confidence you need to tackle the landscaping projects of your dreams.  This is a hands on workshop so come prepared to get dirty.   Dinner will be provided, but bring a bag lunch.

The Workshop will take place in the courtyard of JP Cohousing, 65 Cornwall Street, Jamaica Plain. 
Schedule of Events:
Saturday April 30th
9-12  pond liner placement and large  boulders (Rich)
12-12:45 lunch break
12:45-4:00 waterfall and  small boulder placement (Charley), pump and filter installation (Rich) 
4-5  break
5-8 Guatemalan dinner with pupusas, salad, and beer; followed by music,  dancing and more beer
Sunday May 1st
9-12  Fine tuning rock placement (Charley),  Naturalizing the pond and waterfall, fill with water and turn on waterfall

Feel free to stop by!

Hi, all:

I have a large, sunny back yard and side yard that are dying to be farmed. I'm willing to invest time, sweat, and money if someone else has some gardening expertise.


My ultimate goal would be to have fruit, vegetables, a chicken coop, and one of those tilapia tanks in the basement....


I live in Moss Hill, near the Faulkner. It's a 15 minute walk from Centre Street or a quick ride on the 38 bus.



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