Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

My lemon boy/jet red/mystery tom/eggplant for your cherry or plum...or something unusual.

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Aria, I have a few seedlings of Riesenstraube I could swap. they are an old variety of grape tomatoes. delicious!  I have started late this year, trying to coordinate their germination with my vacations.  now they are up, with only their first two true leaves.  Not sure if you want them so small.   I'd swap for your lemon boy.  I couldn't find info on jet it jet star?
That would be great...if I could figure out which ones are yellow boy! Are you around tonight? 617 312 7650.

Woops, Sorry Aria, I thought I had email notifications set and didn't know you had replied. 

I still have the little teeny tomato plants for you.  I have overdone (once again) my seeding this year so I have plenty of tomatoes.  You can just have one or two of my Riesenstraubes.  again, they are tiny!  I remember worrying last year about their size, but they produced near the end of the season.  I won't be able to get back to you until Monday.  I have a busy weekend at work. 


That's fine, give a jingle next week. 617 312 7650.


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