Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Hi, Everyone, 

The dog park is so muddy right now, and even if it dries out a bit today, tomorrow things will still be pretty wet. It looks like it makes sense to postpone the cleanup until next weekend. I am sorry to do this, but I've spoken to a few people and it seems to be the consensus that a muddy tree chopping and clean up is not as good as a not-muddy chopping and clean up! 


The new date is Saturday, September 17th at 11 am at Beecher Street Dog Park


In preparation for next weekend, I will make signs to put up this weekend to let people know, and I will get the beer. 


  • Does anyone know of the arborists who cut up the tree this winter? I was thinking that since we have another week we could see if they could come instead of us trying to cut it up ourselves. Home Depots chain saws are not that big. 
  • Would someone be able to get the other drinks? Maybe some water, coke, and diet coke? A six pack of each would do. 

Thanks, and please spread the word if you go to the mud-pit today!! 

-Sarah and Josh Muncey 


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I can bring some Iced Coffee donated by Equal Exchange.  We'll have some paper cups but please bring a mug if you can.

Hi Sarah, I just saw these postings after seeing the signs up for the cleanup day at the park today.  Can you email me at and we can talk about the cleanup day?  Not sure why I didn't get the email notifications about this.


I think we talked previously, you guys own Teddy, right?  I have been organizing the cleanup days at the park for almost ten years now and now that Joseph has moved to DC I would very much like some help from you guys, and anyone else!
I've actually been in the process of planning a cleanup day, though I was thinking more early-October, and I also have the number for the guy who helped us with the chainsaw over the winter.  I have been trying to coordinate with the garden people to be able to get that tree dealt with.  It would really be best if we could coordinate our efforts, so please email me at the above address as soon as you can.  I have access to the money we have raised in the past as well, and can answer any questions you have, including the ones you posted in the prior discussion thread.


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