Neighbors for Neighbors

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Planning a Farmer's Market, need community members imput!

Hello Friends,

I am volunteering with Community Servings to help plan a farmer's market here in our parking lot this summer. We have a few farmers who are interested in doing a Sunday market but we need your imput! Would you be interested in coming this summer on a Sunday to 18 Marbury Terrace, where we are located, to purchase items from local farms and businesses? If so, what time of day would you likely come by? What specific items would you purchase? How often would you come by?

We are excited at the prospect of starting a market that will both provide community members with fresh, local produce and products, as well as, create relationships with farmers that may assist us in better serving our critically-ill clients fresh, nutritious home delivered meals! Let us know what you think!

If you are interested in coming to the market let us know but you can also let us know if your business is interested in joining our market as a vendor! Thanks so much, in advance, for your replies!

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Yes, yes, yes! We live very close by and would love a farmers market on the weekend so close to our house. We would be interested in purchasing different kinds of veggies & bread products. Might also be interested in other items as well!
Julie that is so great to hear! What time of day would be best for you to attend the market? Would you like to be put on our contact list so that as we move closer to the start date we can keep you informed?
Hi, I think market best in the AM, especially in the Summer. Then you can get shopping done and get on with your day. The existing farmers market in JP Center on Saturday is too late (in my opinion) - 12 PM - 4 PM or something like that. Please do add me to contact list and feel free to be in touch with me directly ( if you want to chat more directly about this. By the way I am part of a JP Moms group and would be willing to post on the list if you want more feedback from other locals.
Great! Thanks for the feedback Julie, I agree, possibly 10-2 or something more in that time frame. I will be in touch! Thanks again! =)
Sounds like a great idea! That's not too far from me. Can you put me on the contact list as well?
Excellent. I will send you updates as we move forward in planning. Have 3 potential farms and some local businesses providing items like coffee, bread, pottery, and jams! It will definitely be helpful to gain contacts to do outreach and to spread the word. Just let me know the best way to reach you.
Hi, I'm glad you are going ahead with this, please add me to the contact list. I will post the information on the Paul Gore Nieghbors group as well. I like the idea of getting there earlier in the morning, if I am not working Sunday mornings then I would go to church at 11pm, so it would have to be before, say open at 9am. Mostly I would want to buy fresh vegetables, lettuce and other salad makings. I would probably be able to make it every other week.
Thanks for your imput Jenny! So glad to hear you are interested. I will put you on my email list- what is your email address? We are hoping to get started after July 4th (possibly on the 12th) so I will keep you posted as we move forward! =)
Count me in.

Great, thanks Loay! If you want to give me your email I will put you on our list (you can also send it to me in a message if you don't want it posted!). We hope to start it this summer and need all the help we can get spreading the word! =)
Absolutely! I LOVE how the quantity of markets has grown in Boston and Cambridge and enjoy visiting as many as I can, and helping to support as many farmers as I can. A 10 AM to 2 PM time slot would be most attractive to me.

Thanks so much Pheobe- that is what we are thinking so thats great! Sundays from 10-2 here at Community Servings. Can I count on you to help us spread the word? Can I put you on our contact list?

Thanks again for your imput!


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