Neighbors for Neighbors

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Loay's Friends

  • Zak (Director of Mayors)
  • Rosa Nin
  • Rebecca F (community manager)
  • Erin Scott -- Community Manager
  • Jen Rogers
  • Kim
  • Liz W.
  • Kristen
  • Sgt. Eric Krause
  • Ian Christian
  • Ashley O'Brien
  • Rachel and John
  • Michael
  • Kate Secondo
  • Tom Secondo

Loay's Discussions

Wallet Found

Started this discussion. Last reply by Loay Oct 26, 2010. 1 Reply

Any experince with CSAs

Started this discussion. Last reply by adam frawley Jun 24, 2009. 3 Replies


Loay's Page

Latest Activity

Loay commented on Mildred Gonzalez's blog post Roslindale Abandoned Friendly and Beautiful Cat :-(
"I too have a very jealous cat and dog but will gladly come take him to the MSPCA adoption center.. Let me know when would work. Thanks Loay"
Jun 12, 2012
Loay is attending Pam Thompson's event

The Trees and Forests of Indonesian Borneo at Weld Hill Research Building, Arnold Arboretum

June 23, 2011 from 7pm to 8:30pm
Campbell Webb, Senior Research Scientist, Arnold ArboretumThu June 23, 7:00pm–8:30pmLocation: Weld Hill Research and Administration BuildingThe giant island of Borneo in Indonesia is probably home to more than 5,000 types of…See More
Jun 22, 2011
Loay commented on Daiva's blog post Saturday night scam June 18
"Thanks for the heads up. Apparently a number of people had fallen for her last time round. Will keep an eye out for her. Does anyone know if we call the authorities when we run into her?"
Jun 20, 2011
Loay joined T's group

JP Dogs!

Join other dog owners for walks around JP
May 31, 2011
Loay and Rosa Nin are now friends
May 31, 2011
Loay replied to Rick Stockwood's discussion JPNC Draft Statement to Whole Foods
"Erin, as a home owner in the Hyde Square neighborhood I fully concur with your points. The days giant corporations could enter neighborhoods and with their disproportionate financial clout change the lives of the residents of that neighborhood,…"
May 31, 2011
Loay liked Rick Stockwood's discussion JPNC Draft Statement to Whole Foods
May 31, 2011

Profile Information

How long have you lived or worked in your neighborhood? (Private)
More than three yrs

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Loay's Blog

Suggestion for a Bird Feeder

Posted on March 28, 2011 at 11:58am 3 Comments

I want to set up a couple of bird feeders in my yard and wonder what to look for to encourage indigenous and/or no invasive birds. any suggestions


Clear Internet 4G

Posted on March 7, 2011 at 9:08am 3 Comments

Hi all

Thinking of leaving Verizon DSL and dislike Comcast too much. Loved RCN cable when I was living within their area of service 7 years ago. Has anybody tried Clear internet in JP? Any experience? Are you satisfied?

Plan on using a home based router to link two to three laptops.


Dance in the Fells; October 9th

Posted on October 1, 2010 at 11:00am 0 Comments

Hi Al

this sounds like a wide event and fogs are welcome! One can walk from place to place or there will be shuttle buses.

Dance in the Fells is

a site-specific dance event taking place

in the Middlesex Fells on October 9, 2010.

5 choreographers will create new dance works inspired by 5 public sites

chosen in the Medford, Winchester and…

Health Care reform discussion

Posted on August 13, 2009 at 10:35am 3 Comments

Just a heads up but does anyone who has any knowledge of this issue want to have a meeting to enlighten what is going onand what is on the table.I am willing to host a meeting at my place if there is any interest.

Just a bit about my prejudices. My father was a surgeon for 10 years in the British National Health Service and then head of a hospital in Saudi Arabia. My brother, who came to the US seeking treatment but was advised to return to the UK, recently passed away after… Continue

Comment Wall (18 comments)

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At 11:40am on January 11, 2011, Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) said…
Loay, please sign up online here for SnowCrew.
At 1:29pm on December 22, 2009, John Hagen said…
Merry Christmas Loay,

It is great to see your name pop in my e-mail. Looking at the neighborhood website, things look quite exciting around JP. How are you doing? What are you doing? I do not see us getting up to Boston much before late summer, but when we do I take you up on that beer offer. Of course, if fate should find you down here in Montgomery (aka "The Gump") then I will buy the beer.

At 5:11pm on November 9, 2009, Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) said…
Thanks - he's banned!
At 2:34pm on September 9, 2009, Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) said…
Hey Loay,

DC is rocking. I am not hearing any other complaints for other users so I'd like to explore what you experiencing a bit further. I'll email you directly.
At 10:12pm on July 7, 2009, John Hagen said…
Loay! How are you doing?!?!

I am sweating my a$$ off down here in Alabama. Heat and humidity, oh and let's not forget the stench from the local paper mill. I sure do miss JP.

Drop me a line when you get a moment

At 6:56pm on March 25, 2009, Stacy Carpenter said…
Thinking of calling the group
"Must Love Dogs"

What do you think, 1st and 3rd Fridays at 6pm?
At 11:02pm on March 12, 2009, Stacy Carpenter said…
Hi Loay,

Good to see you last night. I did not know until late you were exhibiting.

Due to our conversation last night, I am considering starting a matchmaker group that meets at the dog park.

Hope to see you soon!
At 10:08pm on March 3, 2009, Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) said…
Please register for the expo -
At 7:39pm on February 25, 2009, Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) said…
Good to you working on the Middle East Book Club again. Add a description so people know what you are about!
At 2:00pm on December 12, 2008, Juliet-Community Change Catalyst said…
Hey amigo! Forbes Street rules! Are you planning an event for our lovely street? Peace!

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