Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Please reply to this discussion and tell us which T-Stop or bus stop by your home you will be flyering and when.

Please reply again to report back when you have completed flyering so we know it's been done.

The best way to flyer is to simple say, crime and safety alert and hand your neighbors a flyer. It's more fun if you can recruit a friend to help you - you can use this discussion to help organize that!

Flyers are printed. They are at Yelli's by Jackson, CityFeed by Stronybrook, BPD Station at Green and Wash, and Java Jo's by Forest Hills!

Views: 33


Replies to This Discussion

I've got class until 9 tonight but can hit the bus stop at Roseway, Zesto's, CVS and the Alchemist afterwards.
Sweet, thanks Quinn!
I am going to flyer stonybrook tomorrow from 5 to 7 pm. Please join me. TV Stations are going to be there filming too.
Flyering complete!
I've update the flyer to be in both English and Spanish! Please this flyer going forward!
I just got the e-mail today about the flyers being ready. I will flyer the following streets tonight:

School Street (btwn Wash & Amory)
Egleston Street
Dalrymple Street
Boylston Street (btwn Wash & Amory)
Boylston Place
Porter Street
Bismark Street
Brookside Ave
Mendell Way
Jess Street
Germania Street


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