Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Over the last few decades people have spoken about finding "themselves." Some have laughed and said they didn't realize they were missing or lost. Others have made it this search their serious life quest, and still others think the whole idea is a waste of time.

Finding out whom you really are deep inside is a wonderful (and sometimes scary) journey. Understanding what honestly motivates you, your desires, longings, fears, anxieties and how they are expressed or repressed in your life is very valuable. These discoveries are some of the benchmarks along the road to any real expression of authenticity.

Knowing yourself is very closely tied to knowing God; you can't really plum the depths of one without seriously considering the other. St. Augustine (4th and 5th centuries) wrote to God, "May I know You, may I know myself." You can't deeply know God without understanding how you relate to Him, and you can't deeply understand yourself without grasping God's role in your life.

We do not find our real self by seeking it; we find it by seeking God. In Colossians we are told that Jesus created everything, and that He holds all things together. (1:16-17) He is the source of Life (John 1:4; 3:36; 5:21); and our lives are hidden in His life (Colossians 3:4). So, the best way to find ourselves is to behold the One who created us - to allow ourselves time to experience His presence. As we simply take time to be with Him - the One described and revealed in the Scriptures, our lives and our identities begin to change. We begin to see who we are in light of who He is. Our center shifts. Our wants, desires, disappointments and ambitions become subservient to God. This cleanses our sense of purpose and life. It cleanses the conscience from lifeless rules, laws and vague guilt.

When we view Christ as the central figure of our lives, when we by faith allow His identity to inform our identity, we begin to hear His voice more clearly. When we understand and receive Jesus as Lord, we no longer run from Him, or defend ourselves against Him. His healing voice starts to shape our identity in His perspectives. No longer do we need to strive for our identity, instead we can receive it in Him. He alone knows our frame and His intended purposes for us.

You and I will be most secure and most satisfied when our lives are aligned with God's design. This is when we "find ourselves." This is a most holy pursuit. This idea of being with God is not new to you; the question is, are you taking time to practically place yourself in His presence - away from the daily routines and distractions that choke out His voice?

Finding myself in Him with you,
Pastor Tom

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