Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors is live and just in time for the snowstorm!

Neighbors, is now live in public beta and its awesome! Requesting shoveling assistance or scouting to see who needs help shoveling near you has never been easier or more fun. 

SIGN UP: Click here to create your Snowcrew Yeti profile now!

Once registered, you can request shoveling assistance or scout to see who needs shoveling assistance. works on your mobile phone, on your ipad, tablet, laptop, desktop and even on your toaster (kidding).

Keep in mind that is in beta so we are still working out some bugs. If you If you happen to find any please report them. 

SPREAD THE WORD: Please share this email, our tweets, and our facebook posts.


Joseph Porcelli - 857-222-4420 - @JosephPorcelli -

Views: 353


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