Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors


All the snow this past winter was challenging, but as a community we got through it together. We got through it together because over 1,567 of you volunteered to help shovel out your neighbors in need via

While is an awesome tool, it does not address the root problem of us not knowing who are our neighbors are. If we all knew our neighbors, there would hypothetically no longer be a need for Snowcrew.

What I’d like for our community to take on next is for us to get to know our neighbors. By knowing our neighbors, we’ll have more fun, be safer, and have a greater network of people who can be there for us when needed.

It turns out that April 30th is the Spring National Day of Action for America’s PrepareAthon! which is a campaign to increase our preparedness for disasters. I’ve registered us to participate and what I am thinking we can do is brainstorm ideas and then work together to support each other in creating opportunities to meet our neighbors.

Leave a comment below to share your ideas and experience on how we can go about meeting our neighbors!

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Comment by Robin Maxfield on April 28, 2014 at 11:10pm

best way?  Comedy and Story Slams at Doyles Cafe!  2 and 3rd Sundays of the month - next show May 18 @7:30

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