Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Do you ever find yourself restless and unable to get to sleep? Or do you sometimes find yourself feeling guilty or somewhat ashamed? Chances are this uneasiness in your soul is somehow related to something you or someone else has said.

"If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check." (James 3:2) Learning to tame our tongue, to train it, bridle it and teach it to serve our best purposes is a life-long discipline if not an endless war. It is so difficult that many people are unwilling to consistently suit up for battle in order to gain ground in this area of their lives. Yet, learning to use our mouths well is one our most important pursuits. "The tongue has the power of life and death ..." (Proverbs 18:21)

How many people have built their lives around deeply wounding words that were spoken to them as a child! "Restless words pierce like a sword ..." (Proverbs 12:18a) Words can cut; they can enter like an arrow that is almost impossible to pull back out. Our words can corrupt those who hear them, and the can pollute our own souls. They lay a foundation for how we think and feel about ourselves, others and even God. And we reinforce those thoughts again and again with our words.

However, "the tongue of the wise brings healing." (Proverbs 12:18b) Our speech can build and set people free. With our mouths we can speak of the glories and mysteries of God. We can encourage others and give them hope.

So, what are we to do with our tongues? Parents can be heard telling their children to "watch their mouths." And we, too, need to learn to "hold our tongues" because "when words are many sin is not absent." (Proverbs 19:19) We need to learn to slow down. We must become "quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." (James 1:19)

When you are stirred or provoked, you must learn to step back in your inner person and become contemplative, reflective and prayerful. Bring Jesus into the situation and into the dialog. What is His take? How does He perceive those involved? What does He want you to learn? God has given you authority in the name of Jesus to slow yourself down and bring your thoughts under the dominion of the Kingdom of God. It is out of this place of Kingdom contemplation that you can speak words of life and healing. The battle to discipline your speech is real, and the spoils are long lasting and sometimes eternal.

Watching my mouth with you,
Pastor Tom

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