Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Do you ever find yourself measuring yourself against some standard - internal or external? Sure you do; we all do it. We are almost always measuring ourselves. It seems to be part of human nature. The question is, "What is the reference point of your measurements?"

Most naturally, we measure all things according to how they impact us personally. "Will that thing, or that activity, or that thought, or that person serve to make my life better or worse?" We may compare ourselves to others or to rules to see how we are doing. But, the bottom line is that all of our judgments tend to be self-referenced in one way or another. No matter what standard we use, it tends to be about us and what will best serve us.

This self-orientation and self-referencing is a function of what the Bible calls the flesh, or the sinful nature. It is characterized by life apart from God, where we are the measure of all things - where our desires, measurements and rationalizations rule. This is what the enemy appealed to in Adam and Eve - he "encouraged" Eve to believe she could go it apart from God, and that a self-referenced lifestyle would better serve her. As we know, the decision of Adam and Eve to choose this self-reliant life has infected all of us with a deep propensity to do the same.

What's the solution to a self-centered life that is addicted to ourselves? The first step it to recognize that a God-centered or Christ-referenced life is possible, and that it is honestly the most fulfilling way to live. Jesus made it clear that He came to set us free from the bondage of sin, and to give us full (overflowing) life. (John 10:10)

The second step is to make an intentional, premeditated decision to choose a Christ-centered direction whenever you are aware of the option. This is to recognize Jesus' lordship or mastery in your life. Determine that you want to follow His ways/direction whenever it is presented to you. Choose not to rationalize your self-orientation.

The third step is to recognize whenever you make decisions to live apart from God's direction. This is not to condemn you ... far from it; this allows you to simply confess your sin - your selfishness - and be cleansed to walk after Christ in freshness. (1 John 1:9) When we confess our sin, He doesn't just forgive us in the name of His Son, He also cleanses us to live a Christ-centered (changed; repentant) lifestyle. This is tremendously great news!

Are there any ways that you are allowing yourself (or even protecting your right) to live a self-referenced life? Are you living or relating to people in ways you know are in opposition to what God has for you? There is no need to continue. You are free, in the name of Jesus, to let go of your self-centered life that keeps you bound, and take hold of the transformation God has for you.

Turning from my self-absorption with you,
Pastor Tom

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