Another big tree has falled in Beecher Park towards the rear of the park crushing the fence between the park and the garden. Only trunk landed in the park. It looks like some of the fence is still up high enough to contain the dogs. I will inspect once it's safe to go back outside.
A group of us at the park the other evening were talking about getting together on Sat Sept 10th during the day and cleaning up the fallen tree. We talked about getting a group together and pitching in to rent a chain saw for the day. I will volunteer to cut the tree up and stack the wood along the fence line where the ground is eroding.
I'll have some time in the morning. It might be a good time to clean up the sprouting forest along the garden fence, too, if we've got the right tools. It's been a while since i looked in the toolbox in the park.
Also, Jim stopped by last night to cut the tree up, but smartly decided not to when he realized the other end int he Garden would fall and crush everything beneath. This needs to be coordinated.