Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors


Let's meet to begin working through the Framework for Action as it applies to addressing violence in our Neighborhood. 

Our first gathering will be The Milly Way (287 Amory Street, in the Brewery) in the Back Room, this Thursday, November 11, at 7 pm.

If you plan on attending PLEASE REPLY to this discussion as I need to make sure we have enough space, I can host about 10 of us. If more want to attend, I'll find a bigger space to meet. 

  1. Welcome: Why we are here, what we will accomplish
  2. Assign Time Cop, Tanget Cop, and Note Taker. 
  3. Introductions: Your name, why your are here, your vision for the neighborhood - 1 Minute Each. 
  4. Walk through "Discuss"
  5. Identify and delegate action Items
  6. Set next meeting date and location. 
Discussion items:

  • What are our values and what do we want to achieve and for whom?
  • What are the problems and symptoms we are facing?
  • What data is available to us that shows what is currently going on?
  • Who are the key stakeholders who must be engaged?
  • Who or what organizations are currently addressing these problems or opportunities?
  • What strategies and tactics have been effective at addressing these problems or opportunities?
  • What are the opportunities and impacts that could be made?
  • What authority is needed and from whom?
  • What are we assuming?
  • What can we build on?
  • Are their short, medium, and long term phase components?
  • What is our timeframe?
  • What are our risks?
  • What's in our control vs outside?

For our 

Views: 162

Replies to This Discussion

Yum Cookies!
Hey Joseph,

I'll be there. It is a little outside my comfort zone, which says "reporters should not be directly involved but merely observe." But I figure I can show up and see how it goes. At worst I can help get out any resulting messages through Patch.

Sounds good Chris. This is a community effort, you're a member of the community! If it makes you feel better, bring snacks to share. Might take the edge off...just sayin....
10-4. Lemme know off the thread where you live.
Hi, I'm coming on thursday.

Awesome. Thanks Anna!
I will try to make it. I work later on Thursday nights.
We will now be meeting in The Milly Way (287 Amory Street, in the Brewery) in the Back Room, this Thursday, November 11, at 7 pm. This way we will have plenty of space, and you can order dinner if you are hungry!
I am not sure that I will be able to attend - this is a holiday/day off for me so I will try to take advantage of the opportunity. I would like to be kept informed though. Based on my current role, hopefully I will be able to make some positive contributions. Thanks.

Patricia "Pattie" Knight
Trauma Response Coordinator
Jamaica Plain Violence Intervention and Prevention Collaborative
Children's Hospital Boston @ Martha Eliot Health Center
75 Bickford Street, ME - 192
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
617-919-3427 - office
617-983-1377 - fax
857-492-4308 - cell
Hi Joe,

Count me in and let me know if there is anything I can bring.

Awesome, thanks for coming. If you can bring year to date stats for part 1 crime compared to last year that would be super helpful!

Thank you!
Hi everyone, I've made an event to promote our gathering tomorrow. It would be really helpful if you can show your support by RSVPing here.



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