Neighbors for Neighbors

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Kendra PeloJoaquin
  • Providence, RI
  • United States
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Kendra PeloJoaquin's Friends

  • Igor Kharitonenkov
  • Gretchen
  • Matt
  • Tom Joaquin
  • Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)

Kendra PeloJoaquin's Discussions


Kendra PeloJoaquin's Page

Latest Activity

City Feed and Supply left a comment for Kendra PeloJoaquin
"Thanks for the suggestion Kendra!  We love receiving recommendations from our customers. I'll pass the info along to our buyers.  "
Mar 23, 2011
Igor Kharitonenkov and Kendra PeloJoaquin are now friends
Mar 20, 2011
Kendra PeloJoaquin commented on Roy Karp's group JP Free School
"I'm not ready to help with a free school right now, but I saw this in Yes! today, and remembered that I'd seen this group. I thought it might interest…"
Sep 21, 2010
Kendra PeloJoaquin joined Roy Karp's group

JP Free School

For those interested in building a democratically run Free School in Jamaica Plain, including parents and students looking for alternative educational options.
Sep 21, 2010
Kendra PeloJoaquin commented on Matt's group JP Stitch & Bitch
"Sunday afternoon at Ula sounds pretty luxurious. I may get sweet potato sandwich all over my hat, but... that's the way it goes!"
Sep 1, 2010

Profile Information

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Meeting my Neighbors, Meeting my neighbors, joining a group
How long have you lived or worked in your neighborhood? (Private)
More than 1 yr

Kendra PeloJoaquin's Blog

Park-ing Day this Friday! Make a park in a parking space...

Posted on September 15, 2010 at 1:04pm 0 Comments

I can't believe that JP isn't on this map.
I won't be able to create a park this year, but thought I'd pass it along in case any of you do. I'm going to take a bike ride up to Cambridge and Somerville to visit the parks that will be up there.

It's a day for turning metered parking spaces into parks!

Looking for an article from the JP Gazette?

Posted on June 2, 2010 at 5:33pm 0 Comments

My searching has not turned up anything...

I'm looking for an article from the JP Gazette that shared the history of the Southwest Corridor. It was published just before the Wake up The Earth festival, and I read it in hard copy then recycled it. I'm trying to use it for a homework assignment.

Does anyone here know how I could get my hands on that (or a similar) article?

Much obliged,

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At 11:59am on March 23, 2011, City Feed and Supply said…

Thanks for the suggestion Kendra!  We love receiving recommendations from our customers. I'll pass the info along to our buyers.


At 10:39am on January 8, 2009, Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) said…
Welcome Kendra! Thanks for joining us. Please feel free to join any groups of interest or start one if it does not exist. Let me know if you need any help.

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