"Oh, good that you posted already. I encountered the same fellow with said hunk of gorgeous dog, and planned to post once I reached work. Be forewarned: it took me 1.5 hours to get to downtown just now due to orange line disruptions (possibly a…"
"I read this too late, but I did go to last night's rehearsal concert...and am looking forward to meeting your mom on the 7th! I hope you have a great time tonight!"
I'm wondering if you still have the tickets to share. It'd probably be my Mom and me joining, as she's up for a visit from Florida, just fyi.
Welcome to the neighborhood!
Sheryl Crowbar"
My Mom is up for a visit and REALLY wants us to make it to hear the Pops Sunday night. This is my 5th year in Boston during the summer, but I've never truly braved the crowds.
Are you/your family /friends planning to make the day of it, and could use a couple of JP-ites and one fun Mom to add to your caravan? We are both very chill and relaxed; no restrictions around us.
We could take the midday shift on our shared "spot" or make some other contribution of that sort to hold onto…
Please call me: 617.314.2347.Reward. Any info will be helpful.
He's 15 pounds of love, fully vaccinated, but not wearing his ID collar. He may be nibbly/bite you a little, but will probably not. Should answer to his name. Please call at any hour, of course.
Crowbar (Becky)
p.s. He wasn't wearing that red boa this morning....