I received some information from Headquarters that I thought you might find interesting. The city receives more than forty thousand 911 calls a month. In the months of March, May, July, August, September, October and November of 2009, the city received fifty thousand 911 calls a month. In October and November the call volume was almost sixty thousand a month. A comparison for the years 2008 and 2009 reveals that there were more 911 calls in 2009 than there was in 2008. I find this interesting because overall crime was down in 2009. On District 13, when you look at the three shifts you find that the 4pm-11:45pm shift averages about the same number of calls as the day shift (7:30am-4pm) does. E-13 is the only District in the city where this is the case. I don't have any definitive answers for this I just thought you might find it interesting.
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