Neighbors for Neighbors

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Dangerous, homophobic driver in JP

Hi Neighbors,

I was biking to work this morning and making a left turn from Centre, at the monument. While I was waiting to make my turn, a driver came up on my right and put his left turn signal on. When I said "I'm making a left turn too", told me to "fuck off." When I made my left turn, he tried to make the turn around me on my right side, which forced me into the oncoming lane.

Funny how traffic works- I ended up next to him a few minutes later, and snapped a picture of both the license plate on his light blue Mercury (which is currently parked about halfway to 2/3rds of the way up Green Street) and a picture of him as he sat at a light. As I pedaled away, he screamed out his window "FAGGOT!"

Guess what? He was on his cell phone the whole time! It's a shame that after "expressing support" for the bill and "looking forward to it", Deval Patrick has sat on the bill for a couple of days. Then again, the bill doesn't ban drivers from using cell phones without hands-free devices (or at all)...just texting/emailing.

So, let's recap: he makes a left turn from the right lane at an intersection and tries to pass a bike on the right while doing so, while talking on the cell phone- and thinks it's appropriate to scream out (mis-aimed) slurs in JP.

So fellow bikers and neighbors who are GLBT, watch out for both driver and vehicle. If you happen to know who it is, let me know! More details would be handy for the RMV dangerous driver form.

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Comment by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on July 2, 2010 at 1:21pm
Neighbors, we've had to moderate a number of these comments. It's our policy that "If you have an issue with the behavior of an individual or group and wish to discuss it on our networks, you must refer to the individual or group in a respectful manner and not be demeaning or derogatory in any way."

The purpose of our policies are to uphold a respectfully and productive environment - even when the behavior or person we're discussing is not.
Comment by Brett on July 1, 2010 at 4:37pm
Alex, I'm cool with this just staying here. It's only relevant to people around here, and really, it's not like we need an all-points-bulletin out on the guy. Lisa: I didn't realize white hetero guys like myself be "empowered" :-P
Comment by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on July 1, 2010 at 4:33pm
Alex, thanks for reposting your comment!
Comment by Alex on July 1, 2010 at 4:31pm
You should send a link to this post to Boston Biker -- -- that's a great place to alert other cyclists to watch out for this **irresponsible individual.**
Comment by Lisa Nieves on July 1, 2010 at 1:19pm
I've seen this guy around JP countless times. I am really sorry about what happened to you. You were smart to get his photo and license plate number. It's empowering to see someone take the steps you took.
Comment by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on June 30, 2010 at 2:25pm

If you wish, you can call P.O. Carlos Lara at E-13 who can look this person up, since you got the plates, and send him a letter. 617-343-5624

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