JP still faces a threat at the libraries as 77 people are still getting laid off. Some of these live in our neighborhood and others work here now will get shipped downtown or to another branch. This plan will change the neighborhood for the worse, for good. Please help to stop it.
We need your action NOW! Contact city council and forward this message far
and wide!
Copy and paste the following in an e-mail to your Boston City Councilor,
Council President Michael Ross, and At-large Councilors (and help out even more
by following up with a phone call before Wednesday -- this is our last chance
to save this system):
I am writing as a constituent, tax-payer, and voter to make sure that it is
clear to you that the City of Boston budget MUST be fixed and until it is I
cannot support the current plan for the Boston Public Library.
DO NOT close any BPL branches
DO NOT create more unemployment in Boston -- SAVE 77 jobs
FULLY FUND the BPL system for FY 2011
I agree the BPL must change ... BUT:
WE WILL NOT sacrifice Boston's prestige
WE WILL NOT pay for poor management
WE WILL NOT lay-off and shut out our neighbors
WE WANT a thorough city-wide planning process for the BPL
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