Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

“Repetition, repetition, repetition – that’s the key,” said the strange elderly woman. As I was running this morning, a peculiar woman with a cane stopped, began to make unnatural gestures with her hands, looked into my eyes and kept repeating the above phrase. As I continued to run, I pondered her comment. “Is repetition really the key?”

I think there a few interrelated keys to growth and effectiveness in real life. They are revelation, interpretation, application and then repetition.

Proverbs tells us, “Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint.” (Proverbs 29:18) Without a sense of what God wants to do, we have no inspiration or clear reason to discipline our lives in a godly direction. We all need a sense of where God is leading. This can come through reading the Bible, hearing a message, spiritual impressions, dialog with others or circumstances. Have you recently received any kind of revelation? It is a key to open new doors in your life.

Interpretation and Understanding:
Sometimes we may receive impressions or have dreams or see images that might be straight from God; yet, in and of themselves they don’t mean much to us because we don’t understand them. Most godly revelation can only be rightly understood in the context to biblical understanding, so we need to consider how Scripture relates to the sense of direction we are sensing in God. And, often we need the insights of others to help us interpret and understand what the revelation means. “Plans (and understandings) fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” (Prov. 15:22) Have you asked anyone lately to help you interpret what God might be doing in your life? It is a wonderfully helpful thing to do.

Application and Implementation:
Understanding and wisdom are valuable, but we need to learn to walk it out. “To obey is better than sacrifice.” (1 Samuel 15:22) God provides revelation and understanding so we will do what He wants. He wants us to follow His directions, not simply do religious activities. It is those who put Jesus’ words into practice that are His wise and solid followers. (Matthew 7:24) Can you identify any new ways that you have intentionally been implementing God’s direction in your life lately? It is an important key to life-building and internal growth.

Repetition and Practice:
Most of the things that God wants us to do are not one-time events or activities. Usually He directs us to new ways of living – new life-styles. Sociologists say it takes 21-28 days to form a new
habit. “Repetition, repetition, repetition – that’s the key” – the woman was right. Whether you are teaching yourself to think or act in new ways, or you are re-training your body after a stroke, practicing the things God wants you to do will build them into your character and life-style.

Growing through the application of God's direction with you,
Pastor Tom

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