Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Betsy Cowan
  • Jamaica Plain, MA
  • United States
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Betsy Cowan's Friends

  • Ryan Severson
  • Eric
  • Joe Fallon
  • Cat Thomson
  • Jeremy McHugh
  • Brittany Chen
  • Ariel
  • Jonathan
  • Colleen Keller
  • Juliet-Community Change Catalyst
  • Daniel Perez Lacera
  • Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)

Betsy Cowan's Page

Latest Activity

Betsy Cowan posted an event

Egleston Square Community Dinner at Greater Egleston Community High School

November 10, 2011 from 6pm to 8pm
 Enjoy great food from local restaurants, meet your neighbors,and celebrate what makes Egleston Square a great neighborhood in which to live, work and shop. $10 suggested donation at the doorRSVP today!See More
Oct 17, 2011
Betsy Cowan posted an event

Neighbors Night Out at Egleston Square YMCA , Roxbury

July 29, 2011 from 5pm to 8pm
Join your neighbors for a great night of FREE music, performances, food, activities for children and MORE! See More
Jul 25, 2011
Betsy Cowan posted a discussion

Hot Shopping this Saturday and Hot Jazz April 27th!

Hello all!  Check out these great events happening in our neighborhood: JP Shopping SpreeTHIS SATURDAY APRIL 16th! Kick-off @ 12pm @ Crystal Fruit278 Centre Street. Hot Jazz Cool NeighborhoodWednesday April 27th 6-9pmDoyle's Cafe, 3484 Washington StreetTickets: $10Read more here! See More
Apr 12, 2011
Betsy Cowan posted an event

JP Shopping Spree/JP Compra Aqui! at Crystal Fruit, 278 Centre Street and all of JP

April 16, 2011 from 12pm to 4pm
Come out and support your neighbors on April 16th during the J.P. Shopping Spree.  Our shops will highlight their specialties, offer sales and specials, cooking demos, and tips.  Meet the owners of your neighborhood shops and engage in dialogue about what you're looking for.  Chances are you will find it, and if not, let the local shops know what they are missing on their shelves.  Find the benefits of shopping locally.Pick up a J.P. Shopping Spree Passport at any of the participating shops the…See More
Apr 8, 2011
Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) liked Betsy Cowan's blog post Snowed in? Don't worry! Egleston's got LOCAL food, fitness and more!
Feb 4, 2011
Betsy Cowan posted a blog post

Snowed in? Don't worry! Egleston's got LOCAL food, fitness and more!

So, looks like more snow's in our future!!!  Crazy! But, if you're snowed in, you can still get great local food, fitness classes, and more, right here in Egleston!  Read our latest newsletter to learn more! And don't forget to visit Plaza Meat Market, 207 Boylston Street, TODAY for fresh LOCAL meat and dairy…See More
Feb 4, 2011
Eric and Betsy Cowan are now friends
Jan 19, 2011
Betsy Cowan commented on Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)'s blog post Whole Foods or Trader Joe's: We have voice, let it be heard!!
"Here's another great person to talk to if you're interested in having a say in this:  Valerie Frias, of Councilor Matt O'Malley's office.  She's going to be meeting with the major players involved, so speak with…"
Jan 18, 2011
Betsy Cowan commented on Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)'s blog post Whole Foods or Trader Joe's: We have voice, let it be heard!!
"Hello all!  Great discussion about this, considering how important food is to the urban economy.  It's also great to see parts of this conversation in Spanish (thanks to Patch and others).  As the director of a Main Street…"
Jan 18, 2011
Betsy Cowan replied to Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)'s discussion WGBH did a story on SnowCrew. Check it out! in the group SnowCrew
"Here's the link to the story:  NICE!  Thanks Jess!"
Jan 14, 2011
Betsy Cowan replied to Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)'s discussion Report Back and Feedback Requested in the group SnowCrew
"Good morning all!  First, it was great to share with you all at the haven wednesday evening!  I might have been one of the few people in the city who enjoyed the snow--it at least gives us an excuse to meet our neighbors!  That day, I…"
Jan 14, 2011
Betsy Cowan replied to Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)'s discussion Our Plan for today in the group SnowCrew
"Hello all!  Thanks so much for your work on this--what a great idea!  I've submitted the form for the Egleston Square business district.  This might not seem like an obvious area of need, BUT:  many of the merchants live…"
Jan 12, 2011
Betsy Cowan replied to Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)'s discussion What do we need to think through? in the group SnowCrew
"Just wanted to add that it would be incredible to help young people get involved in this!  I've contacted Spontaneous, Teen Empowerment, the YMCA and other orgs to get this to happen.   I'll encourage them to post on…"
Jan 11, 2011
Betsy Cowan joined Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)'s group


Join this group to give feedback, coordinate SnowCrew, and share what you've learned that works about SnowCrew.See More
Jan 11, 2011
Betsy Cowan commented on Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)'s blog post Introducing SnowCrew: Dig a neighbor in need out!
"This is a great idea all!  Can we go one step further and support the youth at the same time?  Hiring young people to shovel will build a relationship and support them $!  Here are some contacts of orgs that work with youth: …"
Jan 11, 2011
Betsy Cowan posted a blog post

Need Help Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions? Egleston's got you covered!

Did you know shopping locally can help you keep your New Year's resolutions? Did you commit to excercising more?  Eating more healthy food?  Getting more involved in your community?  Then read on to learn how Egleston can help!  Egleston can help you keep you New Year's resolutions!See More
Jan 6, 2011

Profile Information

Which of the following are of interest to you?
Meeting my Neighbors, Finding Volunteer Opportunities, Want to Promote my Business - Non-Profit - or Communtiy Group
How long have you lived or worked in your neighborhood? (Private)
Just moved to JP
If you volunteer for or work at a non-profit or community group what is the name?
Egleston Square Main Street

Betsy Cowan's Blog

Snowed in? Don't worry! Egleston's got LOCAL food, fitness and more!

Posted on February 4, 2011 at 10:05am 0 Comments

So, looks like more snow's in our future!!!  Crazy! But, if you're snowed in, you can still get great local food, fitness classes, and more, right here in Egleston! 


Read our latest newsletter to learn more!


And don't forget to visit Plaza Meat Market, 207 Boylston Street, TODAY for…


Need Help Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions? Egleston's got you covered!

Posted on January 6, 2011 at 10:42am 0 Comments

Did you know shopping locally can help you keep your New Year's resolutions? 

Did you commit to excercising more?  Eating more healthy food?  Getting more involved in your community? 


Then read on to learn how Egleston can help! 


Egleston can help you keep you New Year's…


Twas the Night Before Christmas...Egleston-style!

Posted on December 14, 2010 at 10:26am 0 Comments

A little poem to brighten the week!


Twas the day of the event and all through the Square,

Christmas music was blasting and there was music in the air.

The decorations were hung on the storefronts with care,

In hopes that the judges soon would be there.

The children arrived with parents in tow,

To enjoy the food, the music and the show...



Extreme Makeover: Egleston Square Holiday Edition!

Posted on November 30, 2010 at 12:08pm 0 Comments

Hello all!

The week before Thanksgiving found the salons full of customers getting holiday makeovers. At the new
VIP Lounge Salon,…

Egleston Square Main Street on BNN Saturday Feb 14th at 10:30pm and Feb 16th at 11AM

Posted on February 13, 2009 at 12:05pm 1 Comment

Hello all!! So, we all love the local businesses in JP, right? Interested in learning more about them??

Then don't miss Egleston Square Main Street's appearance on BNN's "Making Your Neighborhood Work."

On the show, Egleston Square Main Street's new Executive Director Betsy Cowan will highlight local businesses and the products they offer for Valentine's Day. Egleston Square's merchants have everything you need, from clothing, accessories, make-up and hair products, to food,… Continue

Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 12:40pm on March 25, 2009, Ariel said…
Hi Betsy: I received your letter. Thank you!!

Chile is a country that remember you. Don`t forget it!!
I hope some day you came here in your vacation for a week or something like this. All people here will be happy if you came.

We love you
At 4:50pm on March 8, 2009, Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) said…
Hey Betsy - here is the link to create a new group. I'd appreciate it you could get to this sooner than latter. Thanks!
At 2:36am on March 7, 2009, Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) said…
Betsy. A check is fine. Please do create a group for Egleston Square Main Street on the network. This will let you post information of interest and directly email members who join.
At 6:07pm on February 13, 2009, Juliet-Community Change Catalyst said…
Hi there Betsy - so glad that you posted about tomorrow's show. And it was great to read about you in the Gazette a bit ago. Welcome, neighbor! Juliet

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