Neighbors for Neighbors

Do stuff with and for your neighbors

Andrée Zaleska
  • Female
  • Jamaica Plain, MA
  • United States
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Andrée Zaleska's Friends

  • Michael Blanding
  • Roy Karp
  • Kate

Andrée Zaleska's Page

Latest Activity

Jenny Jones joined Andrée Zaleska's group

JP Green House

The JP Green House is a family renovation project to create a zero-carbon demonstration home and garden out of a derelict, century-old house and corner store at 133 Bourne St. Visit our website for more info!See More
May 11, 2011
Andrée Zaleska commented on Pam Kristan's blog post Anybody use Relay Rides?
"Hello! I'm the organizer who brought RR to the neighborhood (JP Green House gets a small income stream from them in exchange for promotion.) I'm really excited by the model. I don't own a car anymore and I'm very dependent on…"
Apr 8, 2011
CC joined Andrée Zaleska's group

JP Green House

The JP Green House is a family renovation project to create a zero-carbon demonstration home and garden out of a derelict, century-old house and corner store at 133 Bourne St. Visit our website for more info!See More
Mar 26, 2011
Andrée Zaleska joined Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor)'s group


Join this group to give feedback, coordinate SnowCrew, and share what you've learned that works about SnowCrew.See More
Jan 12, 2011
Andrée Zaleska commented on Terry M. Burke's blog post Time to Pray, Talk, Meditate With Your Neighbors
"Thank you Terry and First Church for being there for us in times of crisis."
Nov 23, 2010
Andrée Zaleska updated their profile photo
Nov 23, 2010
Andrée Zaleska updated their profile
Nov 23, 2010
Andrée Zaleska posted a blog post

RelayRides: Car Sharing Comes to JP

RelayRides Launches this Month! Person-to-person car sharing in Jamaica PlainJP Green House has been working for the past month to promote a newcar-sharing initiative in JP, RelayRides. Perhaps you've seen theflyers and posters, or read the article in the JP Gazette.We're currently a car-free household, using Zipcars, publictransportation, our bikes and our feet to get…See More
Nov 22, 2010
Mitchell Lunsford might attend Andrée Zaleska's event

JP Green House Yard Sale at Jamaica Plain

May 22, 2010 from 10am to 1pm
Toys, Tools, Junk!Lemonade and tours of the house!See More
May 22, 2010
Andrée Zaleska posted an event

JP Green House Yard Sale at Jamaica Plain

May 22, 2010 from 10am to 1pm
Toys, Tools, Junk!Lemonade and tours of the house!See More
May 18, 2010
Andrée Zaleska is now friends with Michael Blanding, Roy Karp and Kate
May 18, 2010
Roy Karp joined Andrée Zaleska's group

JP Green House

The JP Green House is a family renovation project to create a zero-carbon demonstration home and garden out of a derelict, century-old house and corner store at 133 Bourne St. Visit our website for more info!See More
Mar 1, 2010

Profile Information

Which of the following are of interest to you?
Meeting my Neighbors, Helping to Coordinate a Street Social, Want to Exhibit at an Expo, Want to Promote my Business - Non-Profit - or Communtiy Group
How long have you lived or worked in your neighborhood? (Private)
More than five yrs
If you volunteer for or work at a non-profit or community group what is the name?
JP Green House

JP Green House

Our family (Ken, Andree, and boys Kuba, Eli and Simon) is renovating a 100-year-old house/corner store in the Bourne area of Jamaica Plain. Using renewable energy, super-insulation, yankee ingenuity and general thrift, we plan to make it into a zero-carbon demonstration home and a "Green Community Center", plus urban garden--open for various events, tours, and happenings. All interest, donations, volunteers, etc are welcome.

Follow our progress at
Sign up for our email updates there, or send a message to

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Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 4:32pm on March 9, 2009, Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) said…
Hey Andrée,

I see you just started JP Green House. Awesome!

I'd would be great if you would table about your new group at the Expo. If you'd like to please join this group and follow the instructions -
At 8:52am on March 1, 2009, Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) said…
Welcome Andree!

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