Neighbors for Neighbors

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New pro-Whole Foods/pro-JP petition and website

Check it out and spread the word! 


Click on the "Welcome to JP" sign at the bottom of the page to access the petition.

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Comment by Loay on March 9, 2011 at 9:49am
Actually as a property owner in the Hyde Square area this should be a boon to me but I have two big concerns. One is whether the rise in property values, and consequently rents, will drive out lower income members of the community. Many of these lower income residents are either new residents, young, work in the nonprofit field, or choose to have careers that may be fulfilling in ways other than financial. I feel their contribution is completely out of proportion to their income and I definitely do not want to return to my former class and income stratified neighborhood in Brookline, a place which was the least neighbourly I have ever lived in. The other concern is the Whole Foods food court which will have a huge impact on the small proprietor food stores that dot our neighborhood.

The addition of a Latino grocer does not address either of these concerns.

My immediate response has been to start shopping at places like City Feed more frequently, and I am hoping to meet the owner to discuss their stocking more items that I seek out. To sum up, while I love JP I am starting to eye Somerville with less distain
Comment by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on March 9, 2011 at 9:07am
Here is a story JP Patch did on JPforAll.
Comment by JohnD on March 8, 2011 at 9:51pm
One major argument for opposing Whole Foods is that it will likely raise local property values, which is almost certainly true.  But does that mean we should only support businesses that will lower property values?  Or somehow extract promises from new businesses that they will magically have no effect on property values?  Clearly that reasoning doesn't make sense, and thus neither does that particular argument against Whole Foods.
Comment by Rick Stockwood on March 8, 2011 at 3:56pm

My name is Rick Stockwood and I am a resident and small business owner in Hyde Square.  I decided to start JPforAll because I felt that there was not an existing forum for me to communicate how I feel about Jamaica Plain.  I strongly believe that the arrival of Whole Foods is not an "us vs. them" or "either or situation".  To let it turn into that ignores all of the great things that JP has and will continue to offer us. 


In such an inclusive community we have a unique opportunity to use our energy to work together and support all who choose to live, work, or do business in Jamaica Plain.  I ask that you join with me and support a JP for All by signing our petition, sharing with us what you love about JP, and talking with each other about how we can work together to make a JP for All.



Rick Stockwood 


Comment by Jason LaGorga on March 8, 2011 at 2:06pm
I think that there are a great number of us JP-ers who don't see the current debate needing to be an us vs. them issue.  We all live here and contribute to the diversity and economy of the neighborhood.  We also each have our own life stories that no one should discount as we all work together to make JP the inclusive neighborhood we know it can be.
Comment by Gretchen Van Ness on March 8, 2011 at 1:42pm
No problem, Joseph.  Thanks!
Comment by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on March 8, 2011 at 1:26pm

Thanks Gretchen, that is all I needed to hear.

Comment by Gretchen Van Ness on March 8, 2011 at 1:20pm

Hi Joseph,


This website and petition was created by my neighbor on Cranston St. in Hyde Square, Rick Stockwood.  There is also a JP For All facebook page and Rick has been responding to comments on both the website and the facebook page.  There is no big mystery here and all that's "behind" this petition is the genuine desire to move this debate forward in a positive way. Chris Helms, editor of the JP Patch, contacted Rick yesterday after finding his name on the website.  I hope the Patch writes about this petition, as it is getting a lot of support. 

Comment by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on March 8, 2011 at 1:10pm
I'd like to know who is behind this to make sure it is actually people in the neighborhood there are no names listed and therefore, we cannot verify. Thanks.

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