Neighbors for Neighbors

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All Blog Posts (994)

Cartoon of a JP Christmas in the Phoenix

See full size version. Very cool cartoon of JP businesses and christmas shopping.

Added by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on December 10, 2009 at 1:33pm — No Comments

Car Breaks Weld Hill Area

In the early morning (12/4) there were at least 9 car breaks in the Weld Hill area. So far the only items taken from any of the car breaks was change, even though there were GPS and other items in the vehicles. The time of the breaks probably happened after 5 am, this is likely because the sector car that patrols the area (slowly) with its lights off went off on an arrest shortly before 5 am. There has been information received of a man on a bike in the area checking car doors although in these… Continue

Added by Captain John Greland on December 4, 2009 at 9:04am — No Comments

New Policy: Approving new members


This morning, like every morning, I checked the network. What I saw was 10 new members, each of them spammers. They posted blogs to random sites trying to sell us crap.

To help stop this, I changed the settings so each new member will need to be approved. This will take more time, but I think it's worth it to uphold the integrity and relevance of content that is shared here on NFN JP.


Added by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on December 1, 2009 at 8:08am — 4 Comments

First Thursday THIS week! 12/3, from 6-8 pm on Centre/South Streets.

Hi friends & neighbors,

We haven't had a First Thursday event since September - but there is a special HOLIDAY First Thursday this week!! City Feed will be hosting a LIVE brass quartet. Come on down to hear your favorite carols.

Also, we're having a gaggle of vendors doing FREE tastings in store: Equal Exchange is sampling out hot cocoa and snacks; Bountiful Pantry is sampling out winter soups and Root Cellar Preserves is sharing the locally-made taste of traditional… Continue

Added by City Feed and Supply on November 30, 2009 at 12:12pm — 1 Comment

City Feed on Centre: OPEN ON THANKSGIVING DAY 8am-6pm!

We're open tomorrow should you need us!

Added by City Feed and Supply on November 25, 2009 at 3:13pm — No Comments

A Lot to be Grateful For

This Thanksgiving we all have a lot to be grateful for but I am most grateful for the cosmopolitan mecca we call Jamaica Plain. While the past several years of this economic crisis of have taken a toll on many Americans, I feel very blessed to live and work here. And although not everyone here in Jamaica Plain has been exempt from the affects of the economy, we have weathered the storm in terms of housing and jobs much better than most.

So, when you sit down this Thanksgiving with… Continue

Added by Janis Lippman on November 25, 2009 at 9:58am — 1 Comment

I am grateful for my mother

My mother was born and raised on Spring Park Ave and lived there till she married my Dad. Now 50 years later she is in the Sherrill House a long term care facility across from the VA. She loves JP. This is her town and now she is recovering and living wonderfully there at the Sherrill House. I live on Haverford St and can walk there in 20 minutes and its great.

Added by Danny on November 24, 2009 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments

What are you grateful for?


As we gather with family and friends over the next couple of days

let's reflect on all there is to be grateful for and how we can be of

service to each other.

At the moment, I'm grateful for the awesome posts people have been making on the network today. Seriously, where else can you learn about a holiday recipe for Tofurkey and see a home made video about Safety on the T uploaded by a Sgt Krause from our local police station?

Let's share… Continue

Added by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on November 24, 2009 at 6:30pm — 4 Comments

Sarabeth's Tofurkey Recipe

Sarabeth, our accounts payable honcho, finally relented and shared her delicious TOFURKEY recipe with us. Don't tell her but, we printed it up and there's copies for sharing in our cooler case near the tofu! Enjoy... no brining required!

Added by City Feed and Supply on November 24, 2009 at 5:00pm — No Comments

What is open in JP on Thanksgiving Day

Yes - I love my family but I start to get a little restless.
Where can I go, is anything open in JP or surrounding area.
All I have seen so far are really fine restaurants open.
Cheers to all.

Added by kate on November 24, 2009 at 12:44pm — No Comments

FREE coffee 1 lb with purchase at City Feed - both locations!

Spend $100 at CITY FEED AND SUPPLY & take home a FREE pound of Organic Love Buzz coffee.

This special promotion starts Monday, November 23 and continues until Thanksgiving Day! - or while supplies last.

Equal Exchange donates 20 cents to small farmer's Green Planet Fund in Latin America for every bag distributed -- in addition to their usual generous support.

THANKS for shopping at City Feed & sharing the love.


-- Your Neighbors at City Feed… Continue

Added by City Feed and Supply on November 23, 2009 at 12:30pm — No Comments

House share availabe in JP, Woodbourne area

Hi All,

I currently have two bedrooms for ent in my home and am hoping to find some decent like minded roommates.

Available December 1st./January 1st. Two bedrooms for rent in a three bedroom, two and a half bath house. Located in the historic Woodbourne area of Jamaica Plain, near Forest Hills. Asking $600 a month per room, plus utilities ($170 per person on average).

The first bedroom is 10’6” by 13’ with a 7”6’closet. The second bedroom is 12’6” by 9’ 6” with… Continue

Added by Anthony on November 23, 2009 at 8:14am — No Comments

Future of Neighborhood Associations--Bigger or Smaller?

There has been some discussion recently about enlarging the area of my neighborhood association. As of the moment, it encompasses the area between Amory, Boylston, Green, and Washington Streets. My opinion is that the BNA should become smaller, and break up into at least two neighborhood associations, and perhaps as many as four.

The reason for my line of thought is that I think the neighborhood association should follow the crimewatch model of encompassing a small area. The concept… Continue

Added by Diane Simpson on November 21, 2009 at 11:00am — 4 Comments

Neighbors Update: 11.20.2009


There are lots of great things happening in JP this weekend!

First: Mike's Fitness is holding a community event tomorrow, Saturday 11/21/2009 from 10 to 2. You can purchase pies from Community Servings (yum) and save 100 dollars on a 6 month membership when you donate $10 to NFN. Go to for details, restrictions apply.

To see what else is going on this weekend - see the bottom of… Continue

Added by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on November 20, 2009 at 2:35pm — No Comments

Community Alert-issued by BPD Media Relations


Area E Officers Work In Conjunction to

Catch Two B&E M/V Thieves

BPD Offers Prevention Tips for Motor Vehicle Break-ins

On Friday, November 20, 2009, at approximately 4:45am, Boston Police Officers assigned out of Area E-18 (Hyde Park), received a radio call for a larceny in progress on Wyvern Street.

It should be noted that this immediate area has been recently experiencing larcenies related to motor vehicles. With this… Continue

Added by Captain John Greland on November 20, 2009 at 2:25pm — No Comments

Suspect arrested for a breaking into a Motor Vehicle

Last night on the mid-night shift (11/20) a suspect was arrested for breaking into a motor vehicle in the Wyvern Street area. The arrest was made by a car from E-18 assisted by units from E-13. The cruisers were in the neighborhood as a result of car breaks that had been occurring in the area. When the 911 call came in they were only a block away.

Added by Captain John Greland on November 20, 2009 at 10:25am — No Comments

T Police and E-13

Some of you may have noticed a Boston Police Officer on a bike teamed up with a T Officer/bike. Lt. Mike Shea, T-Police, and I had been talking about setting this up since I was assigned here back in June. I had one of my officers (Officer Abreu) volunteer for the assignment. I then had to get him certified on the bike and get him special equipment such as an ear piece for his radio, special holster, and riding gear. I received the blessing of Superintendent Evans to conduct this joint venture.… Continue

Added by Captain John Greland on November 20, 2009 at 10:04am — No Comments

Theft of Wallets & Purses

There have been a rash of theft from two local coffee shops in the past couple of days (City Feed & JP Licks). Customers should be more aware of their surrounding. Never leave your purse or other personal items unattended. Do not place items on the floor or under the table. If you see someone or something out of the ordinary please notify the store manager. We must all look out for one another.

Added by Det. John F. Cronin on November 15, 2009 at 8:46am — No Comments

Robbery, Boynton ST

Last night (11/13) at about 1:00am, a Boynton St resident was robbed at knife point and slightly injured. A 17 and 18 y/o male were found in the area and arrested. There have been several arrests for robbery over the last 3-4 weeks.

Sgt. Eric Krause
Area E-13 Community Service

Added by Sgt. Eric Krause on November 13, 2009 at 12:28pm — No Comments

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