Neighbors for Neighbors

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All Blog Posts (994)

Scammed @ The Brewery

Hi, all:

Wanted to alert everyone to a scam I got hit with last night at The Brewery. My daughter and I were headed to our car, which was parked in the newer/larger parking area. As we approached our car, a woman called to me. I stopped to hear her question, and she walked over and asked me if I lived in the area. I said yes, and she told me that she had dropped her car keys down the sewer drain and when she called the police for assistance they'd told her that she needed a locksmith. She… Continue

Added by Dana Ortegon on March 8, 2011 at 8:37pm — 14 Comments

New pro-Whole Foods/pro-JP petition and website

Check it out and spread the word! 


Click on the "Welcome to JP" sign at the bottom of the page to access the petition.

Added by Gretchen Van Ness on March 7, 2011 at 4:02pm — 9 Comments

Clear Internet 4G

Hi all

Thinking of leaving Verizon DSL and dislike Comcast too much. Loved RCN cable when I was living within their area of service 7 years ago. Has anybody tried Clear internet in JP? Any experience? Are you satisfied?

Plan on using a home based router to link two to three laptops.


Added by Loay on March 7, 2011 at 9:08am — 3 Comments

JP Town Hall Meeting

It’s hard to believe it’s been three months since I took office. We’re off to a great start. I would like to update you on what I have been working on and hear more about your concerns as the fiscal year 2012 budget season approaches.

Please join me at aTown Hall-style meetings in Jamaica Plain as we engage in a dialogue about the important issues facing the communities of…

Added by Matt O'Malley on March 4, 2011 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Attention Boylston St.! Let's Meet Our Neighbors!

Does someone look familiar and your not sure why?  Do you want to know how the house with the great garden does it?  Do you want to feel more connected to your neighborhood?  Unsure if anyone is looking out for what goes on when you aren't around?


In light of a recent incident of a stranger walking around the back of our house, I think it would be a great idea to meet our neighbors - and build a fundamental connection with the folks we all live near.


How can…


Added by Erica Waldstein on March 4, 2011 at 8:25am — No Comments

What do you get for broadband speeds with


I'm wondering what you get for download and upload speeds using - Please leave comments with your download, upload, resulta and your provider. 

Added by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on March 3, 2011 at 10:00pm — 5 Comments

R.A.D. Training this month at Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center

Good Evening to all,

I hope this blog finds everyone well. I know in my heart that warmer weather is "just" around the corner. I would like to reach out to the women of JP to inform them that we are once again offering a R.A.D. Systems self-defense course starting this Wednesday, March 9, 2011. The course will be held at the Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center located at 640 Centre St. Classes will run from 6-8:00p.m. on the following dates: March 9th, 16th, 23rd,… Continue

Added by Officer William Jones Dst 13 CSO on March 3, 2011 at 6:24pm — No Comments

YOU Can Create Needed Youth Jobs In JP!

Hi JP!


I want to get you as excited as I am about finding new ways to improve our community! My name is Mike Norman, and last month I launched a website called with David from City Feed And Supply. SoChange is a movement that shows consumers that WE have the power to convince businesses to improve our neighborhoods.

We started by tackling the issue of youth…

Added by Michael Norman on March 3, 2011 at 5:30pm — 3 Comments

Get God's Perspective

We have all had instances when we thought we understood what was happening, only later to find out that we had actually seriously misread the situation.  Maybe we misinterpreted someone's facial expressions or emotions, or found out that we only had some of the facts.  Whatever the case, our misunderstandings usually lead us to wrong conclusions.…


Added by River of Life Church on March 3, 2011 at 5:22pm — No Comments

How do you- Visualize your character?



Hi! I'm Doug a Graphic Design Senior at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, I am currently seeking submissions to how people visualize their character (for my degree project), please see the attached pdf and share with friends, family and neighbors. 


Have questions about the project? email me at…


Added by Doug Rickert on March 3, 2011 at 1:35pm — No Comments

Show support for Whole Foods

Show your support for Whole Foods coming to JP. Under "Contact us Via Email" choose "Store Location Request" and enter 02130 on their website:

Added by Matt on March 3, 2011 at 10:32am — No Comments

March District 13 Monthly Meeting "travel team"

Good Evening one and all,


This is Officer William B. Jones, one of your community service officers here in Jamaica Plain. I have been asked by our Supervisor Sgt Krause to reach out to one and all and inform the community that our monthly meeting scheduled to be held this Thursday March 3, 2011 at District 13 at 7:00p.m. is changing slightly. After numerous requests from prior meeting attendees, we have decided to take the meeting "on the road". This Thursday, we will be…


Added by Officer William Jones Dst 13 CSO on March 1, 2011 at 11:28pm — No Comments

Police Exam 4/30/2011

The police Civil Service Exam is April 30, 2011.  The sign up deadline is 3/15/2011.  If you want more information please go to:

Added by Captain John Greland on February 28, 2011 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Beecher Street Community Garden. Details anyone?

Hi all-

If anyone has any information on the Beecher Street Community Garden please let me know! (Who is in charge? etc)

I would love to have a plot if there are any available!



Added by Julia Merriman on February 27, 2011 at 9:20pm — 1 Comment

Whose Foods Rally on Monday, 2/28, TOMORROW NIGHT

Hi JP Neighbors,

Come out to the Whose Foods Rally on Monday, 2/28! There's a lot of momentum right now in the opposition to Whole Foods coming to JP, but the most vital piece of the resistance is the voice of community members. We need people to come together and show by numbers that there is strong opposition to a Whole Foods in JP. See below for details.…


Added by Che DeSanctis on February 27, 2011 at 8:29pm — 1 Comment

DID YOU KNOW: Every day, 34 American families say goodbye to a parent, child, or sibling murdered with guns?

DID YOU KNOW: Every day, 34 American families say goodbye to a parent, child, or sibling murdered with guns.  In this moving video, family members from across the country remember the loved ones they’ve lost and speak out about the real cost of gun violence.  is a project of Mayors Against Illegal Guns — a bi-partisan coalition of 550 American mayors, co-founded by Mayor Michael…


Added by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on February 24, 2011 at 1:51pm — No Comments

LET'S DISCUSS: Boston Could Suffer Over $30 Million in Cuts of Direct Funding for City Services

From a City Press Release I just received. BEGIN::

Today, Mayor Thomas M. Menino released a comprehensive report on the potential impact of federal budget cuts currently proposed by House Republicans. According to the report, over $30 million of direct funding to the city will be cut by HR 1. The report also details additional cuts that will affect Boston residents. These include cuts to heating oil assistance, Community Service Block Grant funded efforts for low income people,…


Added by Joseph Porcelli (Chief Neighbor) on February 24, 2011 at 1:30pm — 3 Comments

Fulfill the Promise-support the Arborway Yard

We need your help to reach our goal of 500 letters. Please read below and send in a letter by this Sunday, February 27th.

Want a Vibrant Alternative to the

'Temporary' Bus Facility on Washington Street?

Tell the MBTA to fulfill its promise!

Help bring homes, small businesses and green space to the

Arborway Yard!

Ten years ago, the MBTA made a commitment to the…


Added by Kyle Robidoux on February 23, 2011 at 1:34pm — No Comments

Second Whole Foods Community Forum

Hello N4N,


Wanted to let you know that there is going to be a second forum to discuss the arrival of WF at the location of the former Hi-Lo. It will take place on Feb 28th at 7pm, at the Kennedy School, 7 Bolster Street. 

Some who attended the first meeting said afterward that they felt uncomfortable sharing their point of view. We (the JPNC) are disappointed that this was the case, and are working to make sure this next forum feels like a safe place to express ALL points…


Added by Dave Demerjian on February 23, 2011 at 10:31am — 9 Comments

Classes start this Friday guys!

Hello again,

Promise I won't keep posting this, just one last reminder! : )

I will be starting to teach Capoeira classes at the Tony Williams Dance Center starting THIS Friday (February 25th)!!

They will be held every Friday from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at TWDC and cost $15 each- first class is only $5!

These are adult beginner classes so anyone from 18-98 is welcome whether you are athletic or not.

For those of you that…


Added by Jared Williams on February 22, 2011 at 7:54am — No Comments

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